Wealth Manager
Don’t be afraid to change but be afraid that you don’t try.
Acacia Wealth Group
Bachelor of Business (Marketing), SIM-RMIT
Once Desmond realised there are still many people who have not had proper introduction to good financial planning, he took up the challenge to switch careers. Even though it took a lot of hard work completing the many examinations to attain the professional qualifications to be a financial consultant, Desmond was convinced it was the right move as he feels there is great potential for growth in this industry.
Five years and many ups and downs later, the one thing that he is most thankful for is how the holistic financial advice he has given has positively impacted his clients’ lives, even through their darkest days. He cites an example where he convinced a fresh graduate starting her first job to get medical insurance despite the fact that her income was modest and money was tight as she had to service her outstanding student loans. Two years down the road, it proved a wise decision as she was diagnosed with cancer. Her policy kicked in, enabling her to focus on her fully-covered treatment which she would not have been able to afford otherwise. She has since made a full recovery. Having the right insurance proved a lifesaver for his client. For Desmond, knowing that he has done his best for his clients, and earning their trust gives him a great sense of satisfaction.
As a team builder, Desmond leads his team members by example; he demonstrates the courage to try new things, the tenacity to overcome challenges, and the heart to give back to society.
The future of financial advisory is in digitalisation—a vision he shares with the founders of SG Alliance. He is thrilled to join an organisation at the forefront of this tech initiative, one that is equipped with comprehensive digital tools and systems that enhance efficiencies for both financial consultants as well as clients.
Happily married, Desmond and his beautiful wife have been devoting themselves to serve in their church youth group for the past decade. They believe that in order to live life to the fullest, one needs to know first that they are loved. Desmond and his wife are committed to befriend and support the next generation to help them find their moral compass.
Five times a week before sunrise, you will find Desmond doing CrossFit—a sport that constantly reminds him that everything is possible. The bonus of this exercise regime? It allows this foodie to eat whatever he loves (in moderation)!