Acacia Wealth Group

A group of representatives representing
SG Alliance Pte Ltd.


The Acacia Wealth Group embraces problems as the reason for their existence; they provide sound financial planning to make life more meaningful and enjoyable. While they all have a strong desire to be successful, they share their leader’s fundamental belief that every call to action must go way beyond the money—it must help improve someone’s life. Richard recruits his team members based on these qualities: humility, diligence and taking the initiative. This close-knit team of self-starters bonds through a wide selection of activities ranging from the nerve-wracking Escape Room thrillers to relaxing cruises and smash-your-stress-away homerun baseball games. They can’t wait till their group size grows to 500 to have even more fun together!
"Dream big, think far and make a positive impact."

Meet the leader

“If you are successful because of someone, be that someone to help others become successful too.” These wise words from an ex-boss continue to guide Richard in his journey from a rookie manager to winning the Top Director award. His founding principles for his team are to be respectful and kind to one another; and take pride in your profession as a Financial Consultant to add value to your clients’ lives.


Asset Management
CPF Investments
Estate Planning
General Insurance
Investment Portfolio Advisory
Life Insurance
Retirement Planning
Risk Management
Employee Benefits
Keyman Insurance
Risk Management
"Dream big, think far and make a positive impact."

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